The case against a shoe manufacturer
EDR’s legal team was engaged by a client (referred to as “the Client”) who had faced a situation with a shoe manufacturer based in a CIS country (referred to as “the Opponent” or “Counterparty”). Despite the Client having paid in full for goods that were never delivered by the Opponent, attempts to seek reimbursement were futile due to the Opponent citing financial challenges and refusing to refund the amount.
Through exhaustive research, EDR discovered that the Opponent was a member of the local Silk Association (“Association”). Leveraging this discovery, EDR’s lawyers reached out to the Association seeking assistance in resolving the matter. The pivotal breakthrough in the case emerged when the Opponent realized the risks to his reputation among the Association members.
By highlighting the potential impact on the Opponent’s standing and credibility within the Association, EDR was able to prompt the Opponent to reconsider their stance. Subsequently, the Opponent reengaged with the Client and committed to fulfilling their payment obligations entirely.
In summary, EDR’s approach centered on leveraging the Opponent’s reputation within their industry network, thereby compelling them to fulfill their financial obligations to the Client.